Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Item: dad's army, the dvd collection, available in newsagents

any 'collect the series!' monthly magazine with free piece of robot/model car/dvd/toy soldiers/jesus, even teddy bears, is awful and worthy of crucifiction, but this takes the piss because it's the bbc cashing in on it. dad's army: the complete collection is a great concept for this kind of mag as there are around eighty episodes (less the largely missing second series). as per, issue one is a fiver, but subsequent issues will be eight pounds. issue one had three episodes, plus a bonus episode, so we can expect yer usual releases to carry only three episodes. quick calcualtion: you will be paying in the region of 200 pounds for your dad's army collection, plus a huge stack of magazines.

now, 200 quid for forty hours of t.v. comes in at five pounds/hour, which is only slightly better value than ghost in the shell: stand alone complex. you'd think there would be some reduction in price for buying in bulk; it's not that dad's army is bad - it's made me laugh, and what's more, it and ''allo 'allo' taught me everything i know about world war 2. but this is the good old bbc - and they've already been milking dad's army for nearly 40 years as it is. that's what makes this release such an infuhriating example of the collectazine market; most of the shit they sell is stuff you wouldn't want because it's clearly a load of bollocks. this is stuff you wouldn't want because it's just insulting that it's for sale.

hello world o' shit!

world o' shit is an exciting new concept in blogging experiance soloutions.

it works like this. we all like complaining. most of what we do is complain about shit, usually shit that we see for sale. so i thought, i'll start a complain blog. everything that's wrong with the world can go here, as i said above, usually shit we see in the shops, or in adverts. it'll lighten the (already light)load on my usual blog, plus i can invite other people to add posts to i - it'll be like a rubbish party, populated only by bitter angry men. i kind of fight club, if you will.

after being introduced to coq roq a couple of days ago, this was the natural step. the next post will be dedicated to the item i saw that made me realise this was a necessary movement.

happy shit!